Below are links to a selection of iguana-related resources authored by ISG members.
Click on the photos for links to more information.
Priceless or Worthless? The World’s Most Threatened Species. IUCN. Jamaican Iguana highlighted. 2012.
The Little Blue Book – A Short History of the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana. 2010. Fred Burton.
Iguanas: Biology and Conservation. 2004. Allison C. Alberts, Ronald L. Carter, William K. Hayes, Emilia P. Martins (Eds.).
Cyclura: Natural History, Husbandry, and Conservation of West Indian Rock Iguanas 2011. Jeffrey Lemm and Allison Alberts.
Iguanas of the World: Their Behavior, Ecology and Conservation. 1982. Gordon Burghardt and Stanley Rand.
Contributions to West Indian Herpetology. A Tribute to Albert Schwartz. 1996. Robert Powell and Robert Henderson (Eds.).
The Reptiles and Amphibians of Anguilla, British West Indies. 2003. Karim Hodge, Ellen Censky, and Robert Powell.
Reptiles of Central America. Featuring Ctenosaura and Iguana. 2008. Gunther Köhler.
Schwarzleguane: Lebensweise, Pflege und Zucht. (Ctenosaura similis: Natural History, Care, and Breeding) 2002. Gunther Köhler.
Der Grüne Leguan: Biologie, Pflege, Zucht, Erkrankungen. (Green Iguana: Biology, Reproduction, Diseases). 1998. Gunther Köhler.
Public lecture – On the Brink of Extinction: Saving’s Jamaica’s Vanishing Species. Byron Wilson.